Friday, March 23, 2007

A rainy Friday

Rained almost all day Thursday, and expecting more today. nice change from sun sun sun. got some sleep last night, just been exhausted all week, so went to bed very early, and for the most part slept through till i had to go to work.

I got some great calls, email, cards, and flowers on Casey's behalf, thank you all very much. Still an emotional wreck over that today... anyway, that's about it for now. oh, Toby dog is doing OK, he is watching the door a bit, but mostly is doing OK. when i got home yesterday, he was taking a nap up on the couch. He is having such a hard time getting around, (as all of us will when we are in our mid 90's). but he did let me pick him up and put him on the bed with me yesterday. which is very odd, he never never never wants to be picked up. but he could not make it up his doggie steps to the bed, and wanted to be up there enough that a pick up was OK this time.


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